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Fearlessly Authentic

Be Bold

Welcome to this month’s edition of “Fearlessly Authentic.” Hope the newsletter has helped you in reshaping your ideals and aspiring for the impossible. Life is to be experienced and cherished each day, as we continue on the journey of self-discovery and becoming the authentic you.

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Fearlessly Authentic


Welcome to this month’s edition of “Fearlessly Authentic”. I hope you are practicing and succeeding at becoming your authentic self and also helping others on the Becoming journey. Every day and in this journey of life, we meet people at our place of work or socially and often times, people are searching for inspiration and need to be motivated to become their very best. Therefore as we meet people, we must aspire to become a source of inspiration to them. I understand that people expect to first be inspired before inspiring others; however in fearlessly authentic- you get to inspire others first, because in that process of inspiring others, you also get inspired. In other words, it is in teaching others that you learn, and in strengthening others that you become strengthened.

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Fearlessly Authentic

GAG ‘em!

When the process of growing out of a box starts, you definitely will meet with resistance, this can come in many ways: criticism, hampered growth etc. I have learnt the best way to deal with this is not to create another level of resistance – it would become like a tug of war and the stronger or more powerful party will surely win but to chart my own path in a beautiful and amazing win-win situation.

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Fearlessly Authentic


In aspiring to be the very best at what you do in and out of the office, it is so critical that you understand that you are responsible for you! This means that ‘the buck rests with you’- you cannot blame others for any failings, you must be ready to take responsibility. You must be responsible for your actions, acquiring knowledge, words, relationships, decisions etc.

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Fearlessly Authentic

“GROWTH” in the workplace

In addition to the firm promoting growth through its existing policies and rewarding individual’s growth through promotions, leadership roles, project champions etc, an individual is very much responsible for their own growth and development within the firm and outside of the firm.

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Fearlessly Authentic

Play your cards

The acronym CARDS refers to managing your Composure and ensuring you keep the right kind of Attitude in your sphere of influence, these first two help you manage your Relationships and allows you to provide valuable advice exhibiting a Drive without prejudice or judgment which ultimately produces a Solutions minded individual and society.

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