A Call to Arms

From The Editor

We have spent this year so far being thrown off-balance by the current pandemic. It has however been a perfect time to rest and let go, which is what we have hopefully found time to do in these past few months: Retreat, Refresh, Renew; Embrace, Empower, Energise, Surrender, Seek and Sustain for a period of Time.

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A Call to Arms

It is definitely good to take time off to rest. Everyone needs rest. In fact, it is even better to try and incorporate rest into your everyday schedule if possible, some form of rest. The benefits are too overarching not to try. However, at some point, an unfurling has to happen. An awakening, a stepping forth, a decision to go forth and conquer, or at least stand up and strategize.

I believe that time is now. We are fast nearing the half of the year. The entire year! The definition of the idiom ‘a call to arms’ is: a strong command or inducement for action, especially among a particular group of people. I don’t want to rest to the point that I take things for granted or worst still; write off the rest of the year.

“the future rewards those who press on. I don’t have time to feel sorry for myself. I don’t have time to complain. I’m going to press on.”

Barack Obama

In our time of rest, we are supposed to have refreshed, renewed, empowered, and energised ourselves. This is a call to arms to look at the rest of the year, surrendered; and begin to press on.

The biggest thing I believe this pandemic can rob us of is our peace, and the second thing is our time. Time we spend worrying, or not getting things done. There is an opportunity in this time to go back to the various drawing and vision boards of our lives. Ideate, recreate, and press on. This is a call to arms. The world is waiting. In the name of rest, do not shirk your responsibility to be your very best self.

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